Thursday, January 04, 2007

The Attack

As we started to jog towards our enemies, i started to unsling my axe. With a deep roar our leader sprinted forward, leaving us to fall behind running, trying to catch up. He was almost to the gate when the Arrows started to fall around me. The man to my left took a fatal one in the chest, and fell back without a sound. Another in front of me took two in his leg, his screams matched the ones from a hundred others. Then once again our leader roared, hushing all the screams. He charged the stone gate at full force, knocking it back like a wall of feathers. The screams from the men inside being smashed by the gate traveled to the injured and gave them the strength to keep moving forward. We all ran faster than normal intent on helping our general so to say, But when i reached the gateway i stopped in amazement. There was our leader, completely surrounded, yet he was winning, taking down soldier after soldier.

One charged me, with out thinking i shut my eyes and swung my axe out. Now if i had been as seasoned as them i probably would've killed the guard, but even so, as i opened my eyes there was the soldier there laying on the ground clutching his sword in one hand, and the other hand clutching at the place his leg use to be. I stepped up to him, but i couldn't finish his life, it just felt wrong and an unfair fight. So as the man raised his weapon, i did nothing to stop him. Just as he was about to swing a spear sprouted from his thoat. The soldier laying dead shook me out of my sympathy, as i watched the thrower of the spear running by not worrying to stop to pick up his weapon, locking hand to hand combat with a small dagger. Realizing that i would have to kill to save lives, i jumped into fighting, mainly keeping them from killing me and aiding others who were beginning to lose. Then i saw a soldier slipping through the crowd, as i followed his line of sight i saw who he was going for. I began shoving people aside, soldiers and my own, killing guards that swung at me. I took many cuts and injuries, but i kept pushing towards the man who was silently moving through the crowd towards an unprotected back. The man reached his target raised his sword, and as the man began it's decent i lunged forward closing my eyes, awaiting the bite of the sword................................


Blogger Jean-Luc Picard said...

Hope you're in rock format.

10:14 AM  
Blogger Black Widow said...

that was a brave thing to do boulder

12:44 PM  

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